
West Caln Township is located in beautiful Chester County, PA
PA American Water will be completing upgrades to its treatment facility. There will be periods of road closures while this work is being completed.
Updates will be provided as they become available.
2025 Upcoming Meetings:
All meetings are scheduled to begin at 7pm and are held at the township office building unless otherwise noted below.
Board of Supervisors
Wednesday, January 15 |
Wednesday, February 19 |
Wednesday, March 19 |
Wednesday, April 16 |
Wednesday, May 21 |
Wednesday, June 18 |
Wednesday, July 16 |
Wednesday, August 20 |
Wednesday, September 17 |
Wednesday, October 15 |
Wednesday, November 19 |
Wednesday, December 17 |
Parks & Recreation Commission |
Hist0rical Commission |
Planning Commission |
Thursday, January* |
Tuesday, January* |
Thursday, January* |
Thursday, February 13 |
Tuesday, February 18 |
Wednesday, February 26 |
Thursday, March 13 |
Tuesday, March 11 |
Thursday, March 20 |
Thursday, April 10 |
Tuesday, April 8 |
Thursday, April 17 |
Thursday, May 8 |
Tuesday, May 13 |
Thursday, May 15 |
Thursday, June 12 |
Tuesday, June 10 |
Thursday, June 19 |
Thursday, July 10 |
Tuesday, July 8 |
Thursday, July 17 |
Thursday, August 14 |
Tuesday, August 12 |
Thursday, August 21 |
Thursday, September 11 |
Tuesday, September 9 |
Thursday, September 18 |
Thursday, October 9 |
Tuesday, October 14 |
Thursday, October 16 |
Thursday, November 13 |
Tuesday, November 11 |
Thursday, November 20 |
Thursday, December 11 |
Tuesday, December 9 |
Thursday, December 18 |
Red color = date change
@= Location: Wagontown Fire Company Banquet Hall *=canceled
**Please note that any and all notices regarding individual commissions/boards will be posted on their respective page**
Zoning Ordinance Task Force
Task Force Meetings will be held on the first Monday of every month commencing at at 6:30pm for the 2024 calendar year. All meetings are held at the township office building unless otherwise noted below.
January* May 5 September 1
February 3 June 2 October 6
March 3* July 7 November 3
April 7 August 4 December 1
Unwanted Prescription Drug Drop Off
There is an easy access Green Box in our Lobby.
Help Stop the Epidemic! |
Retired Flag Drop Off
The Patriotic Order Sons of America has placed a collection box in the Township Building for American Flags that are ready to be retired. Simple Place your flag in the collection box and it will be cared for properly.