West Caln Township

721 West Kings Hwy
PO Box 175
Wagontown, PA 19376

Zoning Hearing Board

Purusant to the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code (MPC), Act of 1968 every municipality which has enacted or enacts a zoning ordinance shall create a Zoning Hearing Board.  The purpose of this board is to hear issues that require variance relief or special exception from requirements set forth in the zoning ordinance.  

West Caln Township's Zoning Hearing Board consists of three members and one alternate.  Meetings are held on an "as needed" basis, not on a monthly basis as are all of the other Township Commissions/Boards.  Pursuant to the MPC, meetings are advertised in a newspaper or general circulation as they arise and notice is provided to surrounding property owners with 500' of the subject location. Metings are held at the township building, 721 W Kings Highway, Coatesville, PA commencing at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted below: 

The meeting listed below will take place on Monday, September 30, 2024 RESCHEDULED TO TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10th:

1.  3400 Compass Road - Variance from Section 350-1303.B and 350-1303.D.2 - Required off-street parking requirements; Special Exception from Section 350-701.A.2.F - Second permitted primary use within a single building. NOTE: This is a continuation from a hearing held on August 20, 2024.